Library is the hub of most intellectual and academic activities of the University. Monad University has a fully automated and computerized library that uses Information technology for all the activities. The library also has a bank of reference and text books. Monad University is also maintaining separate B.Ed library for providing services to In-service B.Ed. programme for teachers. It has various types of collection including reference books in the field of education and related areas. We is also a member of DELNET (Developing Library Networking).Library of B.Ed. Library has about 5829 Books, 07 Magazines and 06 Journals (National and International) in the field of education and allied areas and 13 encyclopedia available in the library and seating capacity of 25 students in the library. It also maintains “Press Clipping Services” in the field of secondary education and related areas. Library has fully computerized system of issue and return of books to the students/faculty and other staff of B.Ed.. In future the library will provide the facility to subscribe journals and books for access to the users through Internet at their own desk.

- To enable student, faculty member to acquire knowledge.
- To facilitate use of library services by the bonafide faculty/other staff and students.
- To encourage and foster reading habit among staff and students.
- To provide the Networking facility to the users.
- To provide OPAC and online Journals facilities to the users.
Services provided by the library :
- Issue and return of books for use by member.
- Each user is provided library cards for issue of books.
- Magazines and periodicals for consultation and reference.
- The library is open on all working days from 9:30A.M. to 5:00 P.M. except holidays.
- The library will provide the facility of computer and Internet access to retrieve the documents and information form the books and journals held in the library.