India is a gold mine of culture, developed over thousands of years and manifested in the form of arts, works of literature, customs, traditions, linguistic expressions, heritage sites, and more.
The vision of the cell is to preserve, promote and disseminate all forms of Language, art and culture in order to achieve holistic goal.
Constitution of the Committee:
S.No |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. Ashish Garg
Nodal Officer
2 |
Dr. Soma Das
3 |
Dr. Jyoti
4 |
Dr. N. M. Shah
5 |
Ms. Garima Gupta
6 |
Mr. Ravendra Kumar
7 |
Richa Raje
Student of Fine Arts
8 |
Sushil Kumar
Student of Fine Art
9 |
Monu Kumar
Student of Fashion
10 |
Student of Fashion
To Identify and organize programs on regional culture and arts.
To Integrate regional culture and arts into the curriculum.
To participate in regional, national and international culture and art festivals.
To organize regional, national and international culture and art festivals.
To establish the Indian Language Development Center and to connect teachers and students who know different Indian languages.
To help the students to learn various Indian Languages through online/offline.
Procedure of the cell:-
To motivate Indian Students to know regional languages art and culture.
To conduct programs on Indian folk , Art and Craft.
To give better opportunity in all students in the university to promote Indian Art, craft and local languages.
To provide better environment and quality education to the students.
Regular Follow Up:-
The cell will work on the guidelines of the university which are given time to time for Students.
If a student takes admission in the university, the cell will provide better environment, quality education and follow all the rules and regulations of the university, AIU (Association of Indian Universities) and U.P higher education.
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