The main objective of the Industry- Academia Integration and Skill Development Cell is to provide adequate training to market-relevant. The main objective of this cell is to bridge the gap between academia and Industry. Thereby, providing well-groomed, employable students to take up the challenges in the industry. It also aims to create opportunities for the development of talent for their employment.
Salient Points
To fill the gap by training standards among students and requirement of skilled manpower by companies.
To identify the professional and skill education fields.
To identify regional industries/institution for the internship programme for students.
Training of the students for the recruitment procedure/ placement.
To prepare the programme in conjunction with local industries for the skill development.
To assess the Increasing interdependence between academia and industry through innovations.
To discuss innovative models and options for facilitating the exchange of perspectives between industry and academia.
To find plausible solutions and benefits to strengthen the industry-academia integration and engender the symbiotic partnership.
To draw up agreements, MoU's with companies to help the students’ skills in line with industry requirements and take more skill development initiatives.
To conduct /organize personality development classes for the students
To organize the lectures by the eminent personalities/ speakers from industry and training institution.
Constitution of the Committee:
S.No |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Prof. (Dr.) Muhammed Javed
2 |
Col. D. P Singh
Member- Secretary
2 |
Mr. Vikas Tyagi
Nodal Officer
3 |
Mr. Chetanya Gupta
4 |
Mrs. Amandeep Kaur
Procedure of the cell:-
The University, in its effort to maximize the teaching learning outcome, has established IAISD that offers unique platform and opportunity to the students to have a wholesome learning experience. The important events will be organized and initiatives will be taken by this cell.
The University has established the Industry- Academia Integration and Skill Development Cell that will provide Monad University vs. industry interaction interface. The Cell was conceived with the objective of imparting a better understanding of the needs of industry among our students. There is also an effort, in future, to draw up agreements, MoU's with companies to help the university develop students' skills in line with industry requirements and take more skill development initiatives. The cell will also work towards organizing seminars and workshops to guide students on emerging career options, and to improve skills of the students for greater success in group discussions and personal interviews, and to invite experts from industry as well as academia to address and guide the students.
Regular Follow Up:-
The cell will work on the guidelines of the university which are given time to time for Students.
If a student takes admission in the university, the cell will provide better environment, quality education and follow all the rules and regulations of the university, AIU (Association of Indian Universities) and U.P higher education.
Working Guidelines-
Draft the proposal to organize any activity in the cell.
Proposal to Member- Secretary for approval.
Perusal by the Chairmen.
Implementation of the activity.
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