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The Monad University has a spacious central library which is well ventilated and well illuminated for reading purpose of more than 80,000 books pertaining to various subjects. The university subscribes to various national, international Journals and online database of repute. The library has an access for reference to latest publications of the research journals/ material and information through many computers connected to World Wide Web. Highly qualified and efficient librarian ensures the best possible information services. Photocopier and printing services are also available in library. University has also four departmental libraries name of libraries is given below:

Name of Departmental Libraries:

  • Library of School of Law
  • Library of School of Pharmacy
  • Library of School of Education
  • Library of School of Architecture
  • Opening and Closing

    Monad University Library remains open as per the following schedule:

    • Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    • Circulation of Books:
      Issue and Return of Books: 10:00 AM - 04:30 PM
      Lunch Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

    No person shall enter the Library less than fifteen minutes before the time of closing.


    • Only Monad University Students, Researchers, Faculty and Staff as registered members are allowed to use the Library.
    • Members should produce their Identity card at the entrance of the Library.

    Collection (upto 22/06/2021)

    Various types of reading materials Total Number
    Number of Volumes 81221
    International and National Journals 102
    Magazines 15
    Newspaper 11
    DELNET Online Database (World e-book library)  
    E-books, E-Documents and E-Journals 30,00,000
    Covered Subjects 1, 00,000

    Library Services

    1. Membership

      The Central Library provides the membership to the Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, and M. Phil. Students, research scholars, college teachers, university teachers and non-teaching staff of the university.

    2. Loan Period

      All students, faculty members and employees of the University are entitled for the membership of the Library. Their entitlements, in terms of number of books that they can borrow and the permissible loan period are enunciated below.

    Category of Membership No. of Books Period of Loan (Days)
    Teaching Faculty 04 30
    Non Teaching Staff, Lab Assistants, Lab Technicians 02 15
    New Joining Faculty (after one month of joining) 04 30
    Students B Tech. IInd, IIIrd ,& IVth Year 03 10
    Students B Tech. Ist Year 04 30
    Students MBA and MCA 04 10
    Students B.Pharm 04 10
    Students M.Pharm 02 10
    Students Diploma 05/08 30
    Other Students UG 04 10
    Other Students PG 03 10
    Research Scholars 02 10
    • Students can reserve books at the Circulation Counter in case they are already issued.
    • Books in demand may not be renewed.
    • Readers are responsible for books issued against their names.
    • Library reserves the right to recall any issued book even before the due date.
    • The reference books, theses, dissertations, loose issues of periodicals etc. marked for consultation shall not be issued.
    • Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage later or at the time of return.
    • OPAC

      OPAC is stand for online public access catalogue. It is computerized library catalogue available to the library users. It is such type of cataloguing arrangement that is considerably more user friendly than a card catalogue since it provides a variety of help to the users, and can guide the users in a step by step in looking for information that he is seeking. The Central Library provides its users the online public access catalogue service.

    • Reference Service

      Reference service promotes the use of document or reading materials and it bring together document and their readers by personal effort by the staff of the library. Library provides the reference service to its members. Reference service is the ultimate goal of the university libraries.

    • Photocopying

      The central library provides photocopying facility to its users. Photocopying means duplication of documents by machines. It is the most popular service of the library users that get the photocopy of relevant material.

    • Inter-library Loan

      Interlibrary loan is facility which supplement the library own’s stock by obtaining which is not available in the university library for teachers, research scholars and Master level students. Members of the library may request the requisite books on interlibrary loan from the other libraries. The central library provides Inter library loan to its readers.

    • Overdue Charges

      1. Text books - the overdue charges Rs. 2/- per day for first seven days, rupees five for next seven days.
      2. After the expiry of fourteen days, for Textbooks, the defaulter has to pay the price of the latest edition of the book plus overdue charges for the period the book is kept without authorization.
      3. Membership shall be suspended for repeated delay in returning the books.
      4. It is notified to all the users/ students who lose the books issued from library will be required to pay the prevalent cost of lost book plus 30% extra.

      Use of Computers/Laptops etc.

      1. Computer in the library premises should be used for academic purposes only.
      2. Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
      3. Playing games on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire Library premises.
      4. Readers must carry their Library Membership card while using the Cyber Library. They must show their ID card on demand.
      5. Readers should not to share their Internet access ID and Password with other students.
      6. Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
      7. Use of laptops in the cubical systems where computers are already installed is not permitted.
      8. Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
      9. Personal keyboard, mouse, etc are not allowed inside the Library.
      10. Students must take care of their Pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles and wallets etc.

      General Rules

      1. Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
      2. Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
      3. Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
      4. Library membership card is non-transferable.
      5. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material (spiral/bound book/photocopied material) inside the Library.
      6.  Personal belongings like bags, laptop, umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter against a token. These are not allowed inside the Library.
      7. Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card, laptop etc. at the Property Counter.
      8. Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
      9. Readers should not carry books from one place to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
      10. Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only.
      11. Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
      12. The individual will be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
      13. Library staff shall not transmit telephone calls or other personal messages to the readers.
      14. The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.

      These rules are subject to revision/updation from time to time without assigning any reason. For latest Library rules and regulations.